How To Raise Money for your Organization By Helping Others – Save & Earn Money – Get Free Energy

Join Tony Procopio as he guides new energy advisors through the 535 strategy, a proven system to achieve success in the energy industry. Learn how to enroll customers, sponsor advisors, and maximize bonuses in just four months.

Save, Earn, and Power Up: Fundraising That Makes a Difference!

Welcome to the Fast-Track Training with Tony Procopio! We appreciate you taking the time to join us for our fast start 535 training. My name is Tony Procopio, one of the founding advisors here at Think Plus. A warm welcome to all the new members who have joined us as our organization continues to grow rapidly. One of the biggest challenges in a massive, growing industry is education, not just for consumers but also for advisors. That’s why we conduct these weekly trainings to provide the information you need to get started properly and do business the right way.

This training is your shortcut to success. We have a proven system that works, and you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. I’m logging in from New Fairfield, Connecticut, and I’ve been in the energy industry for the past 12 years, with five years in the community solar space and many decades in direct sales. Our corporate and field leadership teams are filled with experienced professionals who have honed this simple, memorable system.

Mastering the 535 Strategy for Energy Advisors

So, what is the 535 strategy? It’s the building block of our business, applicable to everyone, regardless of your rank or stage in your career. The 535 strategy involves three key steps:
1. Enroll five personal customers (electricity or community solar).
2. Sponsor three new energy advisors.
3. Help those three new energy advisors enroll five personal customers each.

This simple, repetitive process is what drives success. Imagine you and your team completing the 535 each month for four months. Let’s break down what that looks like:

Month 1: Achieving Success in Community Solar Markets

In your first month, complete the 535 building block. Enroll five personal customers, sponsor three new energy advisors, and help them do the same. By the end of the month, you’ll have 20 total team customers and have promoted to Regional Energy Advisor. You could earn anywhere from $450 to $1,700, depending on your market. In some states, like New York, Illinois, and Virginia, it’s so easy to get customers that you might even exceed these estimates.

Month 2: Building Momentum

In your second month, repeat the 535 strategy. Help your three existing advisors from the previous month do the same. By now, you’ll have 100 total team customers, level one and level two customers, and be halfway to Senior Energy Advisor. Your earnings could range from $625 to $3,750, with a middle range of about $3,000. This is a very conservative estimate, and many people earn much more.

Month 3: From $59 to Maximizing Your Business Investment

In the third month, do the 535 again. Help your six existing advisors from the previous month, and assist nine new advisors. You’ll now have 15 advisors on your team, 420 total team customers, and have promoted to Senior Energy Advisor. Your earnings could range from $2,000 to $10,000, bringing your total earnings to anywhere from $3,000 to $15,500 in three months.

Month 4: Leveraging Team Efforts for Part-Time Results

In the fourth month, repeat the 535 strategy once more. Help your nine existing advisors and assist 48 new advisors. You’ll now have 255 team energy advisors and 1,610 total customers. You’ll have promoted to Director and Regional Director, with earnings ranging from $7,000 to $30,000 in the fourth month alone. Your total earnings could be anywhere from $10,000 to $45,000 in four months, all part-time.

Understanding the Compensation Plan Through the 535 Method

By focusing on the 535 strategy, you’ll create incredible momentum and quickly advance through the compensation plan. Many teams don’t even fully understand the compensation plan; they just follow the 535 strategy and succeed. This approach also generates residual income from electricity customers, providing long-term financial benefits.

In summary, the 535 strategy is a simple, effective way to build your business and achieve financial success. By teaching and duplicating this method, you’ll create a powerful, motivated team and reach new heights in your career. Let’s get started and make this Saturday the beginning of something extraordinary!

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