How to Share Info Like a Pro – Mastering Your UFF Back Office – United Financial Freedom

Discover the secrets to launching and growing your business with actionable insights from industry experts. Learn how to leverage activity, tools, and personal connections to drive success.

Alright folks, we’re in for a real treat with Miss D Der Enzo! Everything we’re talking about today can truly help you launch your business or take it to the next level. The key thing in any business, especially ours, is activity. As long as you have some activity, things will happen. No activity, nothing’s going to happen. Activity means talking to people, sending stuff out, and getting feedback. As long as you keep that activity going, good things can happen. D is going to share with you some invaluable tips on what to send people and how to send it. This is a major piece, so pay close attention because it can tremendously help your business.

Thank you, Steve! Wow, this has been such a powerful training so far this morning. What Steve just said is gold. I hope you wrote it down because activity is the answer. We talked about making a list—that’s an activity. Mike just talked about contacting not just our warm market and hot market, but also our cold market. He discussed what to say to business owners. There’s so much activity, and United Financial Freedom provides us with everything we need to succeed, including our agent portal.

Upon enrollment, every single agent receives an agent portal, which we affectionately refer to as our back office. In that back office, we have a CRM (Client Relationship Manager), illustrative software to run analyses, and a demo account. Now, I’m going to introduce you to our CRM, which helps you manage your clients. But before I show it to you, I want to stress—no, I cannot stress this enough—that the first step to effectively using this powerful prospecting tool is to personally contact and speak with an individual. Speak, not text or email, but speak with an individual either in person or by phone. Then, and only then, will sending videos accelerate the growth of your business.

It’s impossible to communicate face-to-face or voice-to-voice through text or email. If you think you’re just going to blast a thousand emails to people and they’ll come to you wanting appointments, that ain’t never going to happen. The way to use this tool is to personally talk to the person before you send them anything.

So, this is our Client Relationship Manager. Go to and click on ‘Prospects’ on the left-hand side of your screen. After clicking on ‘Prospect,’ a place comes up that says ‘Add Prospect.’ Click ‘Add Prospect’ and put in their first name, last name, phone number, and email. You don’t need to put in anything else, just that basic information. Then remember to save the changes.

Once you have them in there, you can click on their name, and to the right of your screen, another box will pop up with all the contact information you just put in. Next to ‘Select Trainer,’ there’s a little mail icon for email. When you click on that, it will allow you to send articles, our ebook, or videos. A lot of you, when you first call people, ask if they’ll give you 30 minutes to watch a couple of short videos. This is where you find those videos.

We want to do all things administrative in one central location, which is our back office. When you click on ‘Send Videos,’ a pre-done email will pop up. Here we have, ‘Dear Charles, turn your financial dreams into reality. Let us show you how to take the wheel to a more financially sound destination.’ In the subject line, it says ‘Money Max Account Videos.’ I change that a bit to ‘Money Max Account Videos I promised to send’ because I already called them and they agreed to watch the videos. Then you click ‘Send Message.’

Some of you might not want to send it via email. You might want to send it via text or Facebook Messenger. If you want to do that, click on the copy-and-paste icon, and you can paste it anywhere you want. It will still be trackable. Every single URL you see is a custom link. Don’t copy and paste the same one to everyone because it will mess up your tracking.

This is what they see when they click on that link. It takes them to your replicated site with two videos: the debt elimination video (12 minutes) and the demo video (23 minutes). After they watch the videos, our CRM will show you their activity. You can see if they watched the videos, only part of them, and when to follow up. You can also add history notes about your interactions with them.

In addition to sending videos, you can send the ebook to keep them engaged. The CRM will track their reading progress as well. You can also assign prospects to your certified field trainer through the agent portal. Book the appointment first before sending the analysis worksheet.

In closing, let me explain some of the hieroglyphics in the back office. A darkened silhouette means they are enrolled as an agent. A hollow silhouette means they are a prospective agent. A triangle means they were referred to you. A blank spot means they are your own prospect. A twinkle star means they visited your replicated site.

The CRM lets you track their progress, from watching videos to reading ebooks and completing the analysis process. A darkened shopping cart means they are now a happy client. Keep the history notes current for seamless transitions to your certified field trainer.

Hopefully, you are excited now that you understand the CRM in your back office and how to track your clients every step of the way. With that, Steve, I’ll turn things back to you.

D, that was invaluable information! The opportunity to send something out, like a three-minute video, can open many doors. Take advantage of this incredible technology and use it to open up a lot of doors. Fantastic job, D!

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