Think Plus Opportunity – Earn While Empowering Others with Energy Solutions

Discover how Think Energy is revolutionizing the retail energy market with innovative products, community solar, and opportunities for financial freedom.



Introduction to a Forward Thinking Retail Energy Company

Hey everybody, Tony Procopio here, founding advisor at Think Plus, along with my business partners Jim Brandon and Ed Kenny. Today, we’re excited to share with you an overview of our business and how we’re transforming the retail energy market.

Who is Think Energy?

Think Energy is a forward-thinking retail energy company focused on making clean energy easy, affordable, and accessible for everyone. Born out of a $100 million capital commitment from Oak Tree Capital, which is owned by Brookfield, a $200 billion publicly traded company, Think Energy has been rebranded and relaunched. We took a 1.3-rated company on Trustpilot and turned it into a 4.5-star company in less than a year. Now, we’re opening new markets and bringing innovative products and services to our customers.

How Fixed Rate Plans Protect Against Rising Electricity Prices

Electricity prices are higher than they were three years ago and will continue to rise due to inflation, renewable transitions, increased demand for electric vehicles, and global instability. Fixed rate plans and fixed discounts are the way to protect yourself from future price increases. One of our innovative products is community solar, a state-sponsored clean energy program offering a 5 to 25% discount for up to 20 years. It’s free to enroll, and even renters qualify.

Unlocking $100 Cash Gift Cards and Free Energy Club Benefits

We offer a $100 cash gift card for all new customers. Simply come aboard, pay your bill for six months, and use a little bit of electricity to keep the gift card. Our Free Energy Club allows you to refer 3, 10, or 20 customers and get 10, 40, or up to 100% off your supply portion of your bill in the form of a tax-free rebate, month after month.

Transform Your Electricity Bill into an Income with Smart App

Our Think Smart app, currently in beta, will help you transform your electricity bill into an income producer. For just $59 to join, you’ll have a business in a box with websites, back office, and sharing tools. You’ll earn anywhere from $20 to $120 every time you bring in a customer, and share in your team’s success as well.

Building Residual Income as an Energy Advisor

Our 535 building block is simple: acquire five personal customers, help three new energy advisors join your team, and help them acquire five personal customers each. This can earn you anywhere from $450 to $1,700 and promote you to Regional Energy Advisor. You can continue to promote up to Senior Partner and earn over $86,000 in bonuses, all while building a monthly residual income.

Revenue Sharing from Community Solar and Electricity Pools

We also have a revenue-sharing pool where every time a customer comes in, money goes into a pool. At the end of each month, by reaching Partner or above, you get shares in the revenue from all customers, even if they aren’t from you or your team. We also offer incentive trips twice a year, with the next one to Puerto Rico.

Getting Started as an Advisor for Financial Freedom

We are currently in 11 states for community solar and 13 states for electricity. Whether you want more time, more money, or both, Think Plus can help you achieve financial freedom. You can get started in just a few minutes for $59. If you’re not ready to be an advisor, you can still become a customer and enjoy our benefits.

Thank you for being here, and I wish you the best with Think Plus.

For more info OR to get started visit our website.

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